The Finish Line
Each year, our town of Sucúa puts on a massive all day running event, which includes a 3K, a 5K, and a 10K race.
Nearly everyone in town (children included) runs or watches the races each year, and there is always a lot of excitement around the day. It is such a special time to participate in something together as a town, and to either run with or cheer for your neighbors.
Children run with parents, men and women of all ages race, students from every school participate, people who use wheelchairs take part, people from other towns and countries run, and even the elderly run if they are able. The only ones not racing are the literal thousands of people on the sidelines cheering for their friends, family, and neighbors. Even the local politicians, police, and town leaders wait at the finish line to cheer people on as they finish. When I say everyone participates, I really mean everyone participates. This event makes our very quiet, small town look like a loud, bustling city for a day.
This year, one of my students from The Schoolhouse ran the 10K, and several girls from The Hope House were represented in all three races. I spent several hours near the finish line waiting for each one to pass by, screaming like a wild woman as they passed, and then watching with pride as each one crossed the finish line. Sometimes when I could get through the crowds, I would run over to congratulate them, hug them, and tell them what a great job they did.
I waited, eyes in the distance for each one, ready to shout out encouragements and whoops, and watch them finish their incredible race.
As I stood there, something profound occurred to me. We are all in the stands for the people around us. We are the waiters, the encouragers, the screaming crazies, the jumpers, the ones excitedly standing on the sidelines for our friends, loved ones, and neighbors, waiting to watch them cross the finish line and reminding them that they absolutely can make it there!
And we all need that, don’t we? When we are tired, and weary, and just trying to finish the tasks we have been given, it is so important that we each have people in the stands, waiting, cheering, reminding us we can get there, and watching with pride as we finish the things we have been tasked with in this life.
At Ecuador Hope House, we have 60 girls. Most of the girls participated in the Sucúa race, but every single one of them are running several other races daily.
They are running the race of school. They are running the race of navigating the teenage years. They are running the race of faith.
And we are there: The tías (staff), their families, their teachers, their pastors, and all of you who love the Ecuador Hope House. Each of us want to see the girls cross those finish lines. We want to encourage, support, and cheer on every last one until they get there.
Will you join me today in being a part of their sideline squad? Would you say a prayer for our girls as they navigate each of their races?
Pray that they would be strengthened. Pray that they would stay encouraged, even when they grow tired as they run. Pray that they would cross each finish line well.
Thank you for being a part of the sideline squad! We love you all, and we are thankful for everyone out there with us cheering on our girls!
Let’s get them through those finish lines!
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11