The Power of Music
I’ll never forget the first time I heard the song “How He Loves” by John Mark McMillan. I was at a youth camp, and the speaker was coming to the end of his sermon as the song began to play. Before the altar call could even be given, hundreds of teenagers started flooding the altar. I found myself among them with tears streaming down my face. In that moment, I experienced God’s love in a way that I never had before.
Christian or not, music plays an important role in nearly everyone’s life. It is something that we associate with memories. It evokes emotions and often offers a way for us to express ourselves. Music is a powerful thing, but when we allow God to use music in the way that He intended, it becomes so much more than that. It becomes a weapon against the enemy, and it creates a space where we can put all the chaos of life on hold and just focus on Jesus.
I’ve seen quite a few of those moments in the Hope House recently. Moments when music created a space for our hearts to focus, and the presence of the Holy Spirit was as tangible as the person standing next to me. That is exactly what happened just a few weeks before Christmas.
God has opened so many doors for the Hope House this year, as government officials in our area have begun to take notice that something special is going on in our little corner of Sucúa. On this particular day in December, one of these officials had stopped by to see the girls.
My husband and I were sitting in the kitchen when I first heard it. The faintest sound of a chorus of girls. We immediately stood up and began walking toward the house where the girls were all gathered together. The sound became stronger and stronger as chills made their way up my arms. “Dios de lo imposible, te adoramos. Eres invincible. Soberano. Tuya es toda la gloria! Tuyo es todo el honor!” (God of the impossible, we worship you. You are invincible. You are sovereign. All the glory belongs to you! All the honor belongs to you!)
As I stepped into the room where the girls were, you could feel the presence of the Lord. I looked toward the front of the room and tears filled my own eyes as I watched a tear trickle down the face of this government official. As the girls finished singing, this woman stood to express her gratitude to the girls. Choking back tears she said, “I know you girls are much closer to Jesus than I am. Could you pray for me?” Suddenly this woman was surrounded by over 50 girls praying for God to guide her as she fulfilled her role as a government official.
It was one of those moments that will forever be etched in my memory. A moment when worship created a space for the Holy Spirit to work in someone’s life. I’ve never seen God turn down a moment like that. If we will just create space in our lives, He will show up.
I’m not sure what your battle may be today as you are reading this, but I want to encourage you. Take a moment. Turn on some music, and turn your attention to the One who deserves it. Create space for His presence today. I promise you this: He won’t reject your invitation.
Shelby Fulcher