Year after year, day after day, hour after hour these women give. To them, going to work is more than a job and more than just clocking in. It’s personal, it’s a story and it has meaning.
The Ecuador Hope House staff are some of the most selfless, caring, giving, and loving people I know. I’m amazed at their tenacity and their commitment to every one of these girls. Because of these amazing ladies, the girls at the EHH have a home, they have a family, and they know what it means to come home!
In just a couple of weeks, we will be celebrating 13 years of the Ecuador Hope House! When I look back, it seems imposible to imagine how far we have come. 50 girls currently call Ecuador Hope House home. Over 120 girls have come through our doors, over 15 girls have graduated, and many are in ministry today!
When I look back over the years, I see God’s hand always present, I see the accomplishments and the celebrations, and I see the way that through the years, it has been faithfulness that has brought us through. Faithfulness on so many levels! God’s faithfulness to provide, the sponsor’s faithfulness to maintain, and the staff’s faithfulness to engage and serve.
The whole operation reminds me of a potters wheel. One cannot create the piece of art without the clay, cannot form the clay without the wheel, and cannot manage the wheel without the potter. It takes many moving parts to form a finished product. By no means are we finished products, but are simply vessels being used to help give form to what God’s is doing in the Ecuador Hope House and these precious girls!
So very thankful today for each of the moving parts, we cannot do what we do without you!