Ecuador Hope House








The beginning of something beautiful.


As we celebrate 15 years as Ecuador Hope House, we would like to invite you to hear our story, embrace our "why", and join us on the journey to bring hope to the girls of the Ecuador jungles.


85% of indigenous girls are abused by the time they are 14 years old.

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Our province in Ecuador has the highest percentage of mothers under the age of 12.

We are breaking the cycle. At Ecuador Hope House, the girls are offered the hope of an education, a secure place to live, learn skills that will help them in their future, and are introduced to the Hope we find in Christ! The hard reality for many of the girls in the jungle is marriage at just 11-13 years old, abuse, and lack of access to anything beyond an elementary education.

We want to change that.

Not only for the girls in the Hope House, but for every girl in the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador. We empower the girls to take what they learn and use the opportunity that they receive to impact their communities. Our mission is to break the cycle through education and hope.